Bullmore2009cbn Olaf Review Brain Graphs
From enfascination
Complex brain networks: graph theoretical analysis of structural and functional systems
<bibtex> @article{bullmore2009cbn,
title=Template:Complex brain networks: graph theoretical analysis of structural and functional systems, author={Bullmore, E. and Sporns, O.}, journal={Nature Reviews Neuroscience}, year={2009}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group}
} </bibtex>
Another review. Third page has a very dense digest of network measures, including many from social net theory.
- "Longer axonal projections are more expensive in terms of their material and energy costs"
- "The high density of connections between functionally related regions increases the clustering coefficient of the graph, whereas the long-range connections between different modules of clusters, even though they are relatively few in number, keep the path length low. Thus, the small-world architecture of a brain functional network is cloasely related to its modularity (Meunier, Achard, Morcom, Bullmore Neuroimage 2008)."
- "It is currently unknown whether large-scale cortical networks in the adult brain undergo structural modifications on fast timescales"
- and therefore, 'what learning looks like'
- Costs! citation is Cherniak J Neurosci 1994
- c elegans connectome citation: White, Southgate, Thomson, Brenner Phil Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 1986
- "connectome" citation: Sporns, Tononi, Kotter PLoS Comp Biol 2005
- epilepsy references from citation 134 to 139, or so, bottom of page 195.