Computational approached to studying evolution in biology
From enfascination
I hav a lot of Bedau papers. I like that he is using GAs to research evolution. computational/theoretical/modeling approach to biology. Still have to learn more. It is a little hard to place him, I guess that reflects well on him.
GA and theoretical evolutionary theory
<bibtex> @conference{bedau:clt,
title=Template:A classification of long-term evolutionary dynamics, author={Bedau, M.A. and Snyder, E. and Packard, N.H.}, booktitle={Artificial Life VI: Proc. of the Sixth Int. Conf. on Artificial Life}, pages={228--237}
} </bibtex> <bibtex> @conference{packard1997cea,
title=Template:A comparison of evolutionary activity in artificial evolving systems and in the biosphere, author={Packard, N.H.}, booktitle={Fourth European conference on artificial life}, pages={125}, year={1997}, organization={MIT Press}
} </bibtex> <bibtex> @article{miconi2008ftg,
title=Template:Fitness Transmission: A Genealogic Signature of Adaptive Evolution, author={Miconi, T.}, journal={Artificial Life}, volume={11}, pages={404}, year={2008}
} </bibtex>
- Patterns of parapatric speciation Gavrilets, Li, Vose 2000
- How Learning can Guide Evolution Hinton, Nowlan 1987
- Mechanisms of Large Scale evolutionary trends McShea 1994
- Passive and driven trends in the Evolution of complexity Yaeger Griffith Sporns
- Complex Adaptations and the Evolution of Evolvability Wagner Altenburg 1996
- article review<bibtex>
title=Template:A mixability theory for the role of sex in evolution, author={Livnat, A. and Papadimitriou, C. and Dushoff, J. and Feldman, M.W.}, journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, volume={105}, number={50}, pages={19803}, year={2008}, publisher={National Acad Sciences}
} </bibtex>