- the biology of mushrooms
- the mathematical methods of physics: how to wreak havoc on equations
- the name and history every plant I step on
- when we should have decentralized control, when we should have bosses
- the contributions of statistical physics to social science
- more theoretical neuro
- more theoretical bio
- more theoretical ecology
- how to evolve modularity, and how modularity evolved
- birds by their songs
- more about soil ecology
- how palm wine tastes differs in every country that you can find it
- every Mediterranean climate in the world
- the influences of Greco-Roman culture that elicited Christianity from Judaism
- the cultural histories of Heavens and Hells
- how to never lie to myself unintentionally
- how to keep changing forever
- how I’ll change when I leave this town for the next
- why there aren’t more worker-owned businesses
FYI, I don’t know yet.