Chapter 2 of a network theory text:

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Lots of notes on this paper.  Though I've been introduced to most of this content before, it was a useful refresher and elaborator.  it was nuts and bolts enough to be of value, and I was glad to read again on how degree distribution and distribution of clustering scale differently in different networks.
  Though I've been introduced to most of this content before, it was a useful refresher and elaborator.  it was nuts and bolts enough to be of value, and I was glad to read again on how degree distribution and distribution of clustering scale differently in different networks.

Revision as of 03:02, 15 December 2008

 Though I've been introduced to most of this content before, it was a useful refresher and elaborator.  it was nuts and bolts enough to be of value, and I was glad to read again on how degree distribution and distribution of clustering scale differently in different networks.