Baby's First Applescript
From enfascination
Latest revision as of 12:06, 24 March 2011
I wanted to use vim to develop R code. I am on a Mac. R lets you specify an external editor (go from R->vim), but you need Applescript as glue to go the other way, vim->R, and execute code from vim in R. The Applescript below, saved in Applescript Editor, creates a script that can be run from the command line and will execute the first command line argument as a source file. It should be pretty easy to run any other program besides R that allows this kind of thing.
-- in shell "osascript RunR.scpt ~/path/script.r" -- from vim: ":! osascript ~/bin/RunRb.scpt `pwd`/% " -- in .vimrc: "cmap runr ! osascript ~/bin/RunRb.scpt `pwd`/% " on run argv --for command line tell application "R" activate with timeout of 90000 seconds cmd "source(" & quoted form of POSIX path of item 1 of argv & ")" --R code end timeout end tell end run