Project Ideas
From enfascination
- Small world is a 'best of both worlds' between diameter of a random graph and clustering coefficient of a lattice. It takes very few random rewirings to give a lattice a random-graph's diameter. Is there a relationship between this and the particularly small value that mutation rate takes in GAs? Mutation rate is often conceptualized as a jump in the solution space, so it may not be hard to establish a connection.
- My possible paths for immediate research (06/09):
- reimplement Kashtan and Alon
- to look at decay on scaled up systems
- to scale up systems, and perhaps look at hierarchy
- compare current evo with evo on independent legs, comparing mods
- simple:calculate mods on arch004 bodies
- evolve topologies on 6-leg agents
- should I evolve six legs
- should I change the perturbation?
- Get Paul's agent going
- Get integration code up
- get some walkers evolved