Reading in social groups
From enfascination
From Rob Goldstone
- kosfeld coordination games.pdf
- consensus spatial voter models durrett.pdf consensus spatial voter models durrett.pdf
- dynamics of social interactions horst.pdf dynamics of social interactions horst.pdf
- coordination games.pdf coordination games.pdf
- bornstein group coordination and compet.pdf bornstein group coordination and compet.pdf
- Bottazzi Devetag 2007 Competition and coordination in experimental minority games.pdf
- centola macy complex contagions.pdf centola macy complex contagions.pdf
- collective-cognition.html collective-cognition.html
- consensusDecisions_Conradt.pdf consensusDecisions_Conradt.pdf
- Couzin Collective cognition.pdf Couzin Collective cognition.pdf
- couzin_humanCrowds.pdf couzin_humanCrowds.pdf
- teamassembly science.pdf teamassembly science.pdf
- terveen web collaboration.pdf terveen web collaboration.pdf
- theraulaz coordination in building.pdf theraulaz coordination in building.pdf
- uzzi collaboration.pdf uzzi collaboration.pdf
- kearns.pdf kearns.pdf
- groupo binary search 8-8-09.doc groupo binary search 8-8-09.doc
From Peter Todd
- Partner search heuristics in the lab: Stability of matchings under various preference structures Kimmo Eriksson and Pontus Strimling
- guppies
- Rob Kurzban UPenn
- sprots guy heuristics
- Roy Gardner
- Jimmy Walker
From Eliot Smith
- Motivated information processing and group decision-making De Dreu et al 2007
- TIPI gosling
- Big 5 factor model
- personality risk-taking
- "individual differences" measures
motivation and orientation in groups self vs group interest think hard v.s. easy going use psychinfo social/organizational psych large lit on diversity in task performance "diversity and performance"
- search "organization behavior and human decision processes" "diversity and performance"
- search "journal of applied psychology" "diversity and performance"