My paper collection
From enfascination
Here are the folders I keep my scientific papers in:
- Animal Collective Behavior
- Bounded Rationality
- Complex Contagion and Cognitive Limits
- Society scale cooperation reseaerch
- Development in Genetic Algorithm
- Psycholinguistics: dynamics
- Early CX (Complex Systems)
- Contemporary CX
- Economics and Social Psych
- Endogenous group experiments
- Basketball
- Experimental Organization Theory, experiments
- Experimental Organization Theory, theory and reviews
- Experimental Organization Theory, survey-based
- Reward and punsihment in resource dilemmas
- N-person economic games
- Group search and structure
- ALife, predator/prey models
- Genomics, evolution as search
- Heuristic search
- General features of search spaces
- Group structure experiment
- Individual-level game theory
- Information theory
- Methods and Statistics
- Bayesian Data Analysis
- Microeconomics, classics
- Novelty
- Multiscale tools
- Agenthood and Uncertainty
- Social Psych reading group
- Scaling up groups
- Science Writing, about
- Science Writing, examples
- Science Writing, science practice
- Totally read
- Totally read, imminently
- Beauty pageant + Paper Rock Scissors
- Classic organization theory
- empirical literature, literally literary
- Embodied cognition course
- Experimental economics course
- Cognitive Modeling course
- Institutional Analysis and Development course
- R manuals
- TeX manuals
If you have any folders I'd like, let me know. And if you want, ask.