Complex networks: Augmenting the framework for the study of complex systems Amarala Ottino 2004

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I wasn't too happy about this paper. It began with all the grand vague claims and bad examples about complex systems that take away its credibility. "one might be tempted to think that the Boeing is more complex than the flock of geese. However, the flock of migrating geese is an adaptable system, which the Boeing is not. The flock responds to changes in the environment" Echh.

It then provides a very high level view of the complex systems toolbox, namely nonlinear dynamics and stat mech before introducing what they've been really waiting to talk about the whole time; networks. Again, There were too many repeats in this class of the Erdos-Renyi to Watts-Strogatz to Albert-Barabasi narrative of the recent history of complex networks.

Talks about the main areas that networks model, all too high level for me, but judging by the increasing density of my notes, ti looks like it gets a bit better towards the end.