J. Timmis, P. Andrews, N. Owens and E. Clark (2008) "An interdisciplinary perspective on artificial immune systems"

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A pretty high level review of AIS, with a focus on using analytic approaches from computer science (they even go into UML-diagrams-as-analysis). As far as the bio, I still like the first chapter of the SFI volume the best as an intro to AIS.

The list a bunch of otehr more specific reviews, as applied to computer security, data mining and reviews of the math.

Thesis: "Cohen urges the immunological community to embrace working with computational scientists to aid the understanding of the nature of immune computation" They are interested in computationally-inspired biology. They list a bunch of papers, most by the author, taking this approach to immunology.

Maybe i should look in pi-calculus. They made it sound interesting. no clue what it is.

They list (their) essential features of AIS:

  1. They will exhibit homeostasis
  2. They will benefit from interactiosn between innate and adaptive immune models
  3. They will consist of multiple, interacting components
  4. Components can be easily and naturally distributed
  5. They will be required to perform life-long learning.